A Site of Revolution
A Site of Revolution
A Site of Revolution explores encounters with the Millenium Stone Circle in Hilly Fields, London, and the history of the land on which is sits. The audience are invited to view the work from onstage, and after beginning by creating their shared performance space, the two dancers merge personal experiences and historic research. Through improvisatory scores, and shared movement voabulary they explore memories of their own visits to the stone circle, as well as historic events that took place a the same site - in particular the knowledge of the Suffragettes using the site on which the stone circle now stands to meet, and organize.
A Site of Revolution considers the history of stone circles, the history of suffragettes, our relationship to the places in which we exist, and ideas of sanctuary, and revolution.
Created in collaboration with dancers Mary Kinsella, and Alice Best
21 minutes
Supported by the Leverhulme Trust
A Site of Revolusion work for stage created through Gwynne's research into 'Place-Specificty in Choreographic Practice' and was presented as the final practical work created over the course of Gwynne's MFA. Gwynne's research revolved around the use of place-specificity in choreographic practice with a focus on personal experience of place. Her thesis, entitled Place-Specificity in Choreographic Practice: A Site of Revolution documents the theoretical and practical research undertaken over a two year period invested in notions of perception of place, personal and shared experiences of site, sensorially and historically informed understandings of place, as well ideas of place versus site.

Rehearsal, Research & Development Images
Spring 2017